
Universal Termsrv.dll Patch V1.0b Build 20090425 Release

Project: Universal Theme Patcher (Sample Code)
Support: Windows XP SP2 SP3/2003/2008/Vista SP1 SP2/Windows 7, 32bit(x86)/64bit(x64)
E-mail: deepxw#gmail.com
Blog: http://deepxw.blogspot.com/ (English)
Blog: http://deepxw.lingd.net/ (Chinese)
Comment: If you using this code, you must add my name to your final software, and link to my blog.
Crack uxtheme.dll, free your Windows supports 3rd party desktop msstyle themes.
It is a universal theme patcher. Without language limited, Supports all language of windows!
How to use?
Get info:
UniversalThemePatcher_Sample.exe FileName
Patch file:
UniversalThemePatcher_Sample.exe FileName -patch
Source file lists:
Patcher implement files:
ThemeCommon.h, ThemeCommon.cpp
Define the necessary struct, common function.
ThemeFileInfo.h, ThemeFileInfo.cpp
Get the patch information from uxtheme.dll / themeui.dll / shsvc.dll / themeservice.dll.

